Olá!!! This week was great! Sister Selman and I worked until we died. There were a few times this week that we had so many lessons planned that we had to teach two at the same time. Sister Selman would teach one at one end of a bench and I would teach one at the other end. It was fantastic!
So I'll be staying in Póvoa for another transfer but not with Sister Selman :( But I'm going to be a mom!! :D I'm going to finish training a sister named Sister Warren. I think she's from the USA but I'm not sure... It will be fun!
This week a prank war started in between one of our recent converts and the Sisters. It started when Telo (the recent convert) put ketchup in my shoes while we were teaching his wife. I was wearing sandals and was so focused on Catia that I didn't even notice that he squirt this big ol wad of ketchup in my shoes. Then when I stood up the ketchup was cold and squished all over my toes! I about fell over because it was slippery! Then I tried to chase Telo down but he ran laughing like a 12 year old boy who is annoying his older sister. So I went to the bathroom while his whole family laughed and laughed. But Telo had turned off the water!! Then I decided to get my revenge and I hid his backpack in the church a few days later. he didn't find it for about 2 hours. Then, knowing that I had hidden it, he took a big bucket of water and tried to dump it over my head while we were teaching English Class in the church!
Then I managed to get a hold of his phone, wallet, and keys while he was hiding in the secretary's office and Sister Selman and I tried to run home so he would be stuck at the church alone. But he caught up to us and stole my name tag. We had a stubborn stand off where I wouldn't give him his phone and he wouldn't give me my name tag.
Let's just say its war now... Any of you that know me had better warn Telo! Haha
Also on Saturday we were using the buses quite a bit and every time we got on the bus it was the same bus driver. After the third time in a row he shouted "You guys are following me!! Well I just gotta give you a hug because we're family now!" And then he reached over and grabbed Sister Selman in the most awkward hug ever but she tried to protest and pull away which pulled the bus driver out of his chair and he fell on to the floor of the bus, still clinging to Sister Selman. I about died laughing and the nearly full bus laughed too. We helped him up and gave him a pass along card. He was cool! Making friends wherever we go! Haha
We found this sign this week... It is a road called "Turn from the Shower". It's funny. hehe.
We also found this gem knocking doors.... "Propoganda religiosa aqui não" means "Here there is no religious proselyting." It reminded me of those southern signs you'd find in the USA.
We also found another door sign that says "Jesus te ama" Which means Jesus loves you!! How sweet ^_^
Also the church flooded. Oops. We helped mop up water for 2 or 3 hours. It basically turned into a Disney song sing of. :) *insert Tangled song*